Environmental Health and Safety Department
Mission Statement
The University of New Haven's Department of Environmental Health and Safety services the University community by promoting health and safety, environmental protection, and regulatory compliance. The EH&S team is staffed by a Connecticut state-certified Fire Marshal and supplemented by subject matter experts in enterprise waste management and environmental services.
We are committed to developing a culture where safety and health are core values, adopted and practiced throughout all levels of the University and to providing high-quality consultation that facilitates the University's mission of research, teaching, and service.
EH&S fosters partnerships with faculty, students and staff to enable them to recognize risks and empower them to learn, discover, and work safely and to minimize injuries, illnesses, environmental impact, and regulatory risks. We accomplish this by providing exceptional service and leadership through program development, information and training, consultation, and periodic review of environmental health and safety practices.
The University of New Haven provides a safe and healthy work environment in accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) 29 CFR 1910.1450 "Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories" also known as the Laboratory Standard. Commitment to health and safety is the responsibility of individuals at all levels to protect the safety and health of all employees, students, and the environment. The University's written Chemical Hygiene and Hazard Communication Plans provide guidance to students and employees for safe work practices while in the laboratory environment.
Important Links
All other EH&S plans, manuals, and training opportunities are available on myCharger.
Safety Committee
The University of New Haven's Safety Committee is comprised of students, staff from a wide range of University departments and is chaired by the associate vice president of public safety and administrative services. The Safety Committee meets regularly to address environmental, health, safety, and risk topics at the University of New Haven and works to identify ways to improve safety on the campus. To view the list of committee members, visit myCharger.
For questions regarding the University of New Haven's safety committee please contact Julie Carbonella at (203) 932-7013 or by e-mail at JCarbonella@3327e.com.